
Here you can read news from the association life of the Gütegemeinschaft Kunststoff-Fensterprofilsysteme and current publications in the trade press.




Fuel subsidies under the Carbon Leakage Regulation

Gütegemeinschaft has had an investigation carried out to determine whether the conditions for fuel subsidies for subsector 22.21.10 (manufacture of PVC profiles) are fulfilled.


Image: © Mihai




New Annual Report 2021 of GKFP, QKE and EPPA is online

The annual report of the three associations contains a summary review of the past year and provides a preview of 2022. The report is traditionally published in German and English.

The new annual report 2021 of GKFP, QKE and EPPA is now available online. The picture was taken at last year's general assembly meeting in Mannheim. Image: Sarah Heuser




Webinars on the advantages of the RAL Quality Mark in public tenders and Green Deal

The RAL Quality Assurance and Quality Mark system is complex and in need of explanation. In order to provide more clarity, RAL organizes short webinars on different topics throughout the year. One of…

RAL Brochure "Public Procurement and RAL Quality Assurance"

In the press





Europe-wide renovation campaign starts

As part of their Europe-wide campaign "Modernization with PVC windows", EPPA, QKE and Gütegemeinschaft are publishing a renovation brochure in five languages and the accompanying microsite. The…

The cover of the new brochure "Upgrade your living space: modernization with PVC windows” @EPPA/GKFP/QKE




RAL publishes new videos on the Quality Mark

"RAL Quality Marks in 80 seconds" and "The way to the RAL Quality Mark" are the names of the new clips, which are available in German and English.

Source: RAL Quality Mark video




New member from sealing area

The Gütegemeinschaft welcomes Egesembol Plastik as new member from 2022 on.

In the press





Two milestones for circular processes published

In bauelemente bau issue 12/2021, QKE, GKFP and EPPA dedicate a double page to the new DIN EN 17410 and the Design for Recycling guidelines.

In the press



Glaswelt report: Preventing heat damage to PVC windows

In its online edition, Glaswelt reports on how to prevent heat damage to PVC windows, especially dark ones – a topic the GKFP addresses in its technical guide.




GKFP online event "Modern Welding Processes" now available with English subtitle

The TechnologieForumZukunft took place for the second time on 30 September 2021.




RAL video "Quality mark PVC window profile systems" online

The ambassador video is intended to end-consumers aiming to show with catchy messages what the RAL Quality Mark PVC Window Profile Systems stands for.

Detail from the RAL Ambassador Video PVC Window Profile Systems: Managing Director Gerald Feigenbutz

In the press



GKFP expert article on the "pros and cons of priming" published

In the October issue of bauelemente bau, we published an article on the topic of "Pros and cons of priming when bonding glass frame joints".

Image: Kömmerling Chemische Fabrik

"TechnologieForumZukunft" 2021 – Digital GKFP event series on 30 September 2021

With the topic "Modern welding processes for quality-assured PVC windows – possibilities and challenges", we entered the second round of our interactive online event series.




Accompanying brochure to the TechnologieForumZukunft "Modern welding processes" online

A 24-page brochure on the subject of "Modern welding processes for quality-assured PVC windows" has been produced to accompany the second online event of our Gütegemeinschaft and is now available for…

Accompanying brochure to the GKFP specialist event "TechnologyForumFuture: Modern welding processes for quality-assured PVC windows"

Save the date: general assembly meeting on 12 May 2022

Next year's event will be held in Karlsruhe.




News from standardization and technology

DIN EN 17508:2021 published and DIN EN 17410:2021 confirmed by European member states.




TechnologieForumZukunft on the topic of "Modern Welding Processes" on 30 September 2021

Our online event series for window manufacturers and interested professionals is going into the next round. You can register online from the beginning of August.

Welding of a PVC window. Picture: Veka

In the press



Recycling in focus – bauelemente bau follow-up report on the general assembly meeting

For the first time in the history of the industry, the general assembly meetings of the QKE, our Gütegemeinschaft (GKFP) and EPPA were held together.

The majority of the approximately 100 participants followed the General Assembly via web conference. Photo: S. Heuser/GKFP

In the press





GKFP technical supplement on bonding technology published in GLASWELT

Our brochure "Quality-assured bonding technology", which we implemented on the occasion of the GKFP symposium TechnologieForumZukunft, has now been published as a technical supplement in GLASWELT.




GKFP supports RAL “WERTE” (values) campaign

In month of May, RAL launched a PR campaign #ZeichenDesVertrauens (sign of trust) to demonstrate the added value of the RAL quality certification to manufacturers and consumers. We as Gütegemeinschaft…




Presentations and pictures of the General Assembly are online

The presentations of the internal members' meeting of GKFP and QKE as well as the public lectures can be found in the password-protected GKFP members' area.