
Here you can read news from the association life of the Gütegemeinschaft Kunststoff-Fensterprofilsysteme and current publications in the trade press.


Annual report of the DIN Plastics Standards Committee (FNK) available

Take a look at the annual report of the DIN Plastics Standards Committee (FNK) here.


Updated EU Industrial Strategy

The updated EU Industrial Strategy focuses on a rapid green and digital transformation of EU industry and its ecosystems. It foresees collaboration with industry, public authorities, social partners…




Program: General Assembly of GKFP and QKE - May 11, 2023

This year's General Assembly Meeting of the Gütegemeinschaft Kunststoff-Fensterprofilsysteme and des Qualitätsverband Kunststofferzeugnisse will take place on 11 May 2023 in Halle a.d. Saale.




Annual Report 2022 of GKFP, QKE and EPPA is online

The annual report of the three associations offers a summary review of the past year and provides a preview of 2023. The report is available in German and English.

[Translate to Englisch:]




Technical appendix available

The new technical appendix to RAL-GZ 716 is now available as PDF.




Reminder: 11 May 2023 - General Assembly Meeting of the GKFP and QKE

The next joint General Assembly Meeting of Gütegemeinschaft Kunststoff-Fensterprofilsysteme e.V. (GKFP) and Qualitätsverband Kunststofferzeugnisse e.V. (QKE) will take place on 11 May 2023 in Halle…

[Translate to Englisch:]

In the press



bauelemente bau article published: Review of the 49th Rosenheim Window Days

In its December issue, BauelementeBau reports on the presentation Gerald Feigenbutz (QKE e.V. Bonn) held at the 49th Rosenheimer Fenstertage. Based on the Green Deal, Feigenbutz refers to the…

In the press



bauelemente bau article published: GKFP invites to the 3rd TechnologieForumZukunft

This month the trade press namely BauelementeBau reported on our webinar “Surface quality of PVC window profiles” that took place on September 29 as 3rd edition of our online platform for PVC window…




Review: TechnologieForumZukunft "Modern surface design for PVC windows" on 29 September 2022

In the proven combination of impulse lectures, video contributions, a panel discussion and Q&A sessions, the focus in the now third part of the GKFP information event was on the PVC window as a modern…




Accompanying brochure to the TechnologieForumZukunft "surface quality" online

A more than 30-page brochure on the subject of "Surface quality and design solutions for quality-assured PVC windows" has been produced to accompany the third online event of our Gütegemeinschaft and…




New information flyer: “PVC windows with a high proportion of recycled PVC (rPVC)"

A cooperation with the city of Düsseldorf

Cover of the German flyer on the subject of PVC windows with a high rPVC content. Image: Schüco Polymer Technologies

In the press



GKFP invites to the online information series TechnologieForumZukunft on 29/9/2022

The topic is "Surface quality – solutions for the surface design of quality-assured PVC windows".

In the press



bauelemente bau article published: GKFP focuses on sustainable development

In the August issue, the Gütegemeinschaft reports on its new sustainability working group and the lecture programme at the Fensterbau Frontale Forum.




Gütegemeinschaft and EPPA live at the FENSTERBAU FRONTALE FORUM

Be there live on site or online: On July 14 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Lecture program on the topic "PVC window profiles: A contribution and a blueprint for the Green Deal"

In the press



bauelemente bau Review: General Assemblies of EPPA, QKE and GKFP in Karlsruhe

"Industry plays important role in tackling the climate crisis"




Outlook: Gütegemeinschaft will be at FENSTERBAU FRONTALE

The summer edition of Fensterbau Frontale will take place in Nuremberg from 12 to 15 July and our Gütegemeinschaft will once again be represented with a booth and a half-day programme block in the…




Revision of the EPD for double-glazed PVC windows available online

The updated Environmental Product Declaration of GKFP, QKE and EPPA for double-glazed PVC windows has been published.

The updated EPD for double-glazed PVC windows is now available online.




Review: RAL Webinar "Green Deal – Relevance for RAL Quality Marks?

GKFP Managing Director Gerald Feigenbutz gave a guest lecture in the RAL webinar series on the topic of the Green Deal.

Screenshot from the RAL Green Deal webinar




Joint General Assembly Meeting of GKFP, QKE and EPPA

On 12 May 2022, around 50 members, partners and media representatives came together at the Novotel in Karlsruhe for the joint General Assembly Meeting of the three associations. In addition, numerous…

Joint General Assembly Meeting of GKFP, QKE and EPPA  in Karlsruhe (Germany)

In the press





PVC windows in renovation and new construction: new article online

What predestines PVC windows for modernization projects in particular? In their article in the German Comfort@Home magazine, GKFP and EPPA provide private builders with useful information on the…

Modern, quality-assured PVC windows save energy, are durable and, thanks to full recycling, are an application example of the circular economy. Rendering: GKFP /