GKFP invites to the online information series TechnologieForumZukunft on 29/9/2022

The topic is "Surface quality – solutions for the surface design of quality-assured PVC windows".

Gütegemeinschaft cordially invites interested professionals from the window construction and housing industry as well as end users to inform themselves and join in the discussion. After registering online, participation is free of charge.

In the tried and tested combination of impulse lectures, video contributions, a panel discussion and Q&A sessions, the PVC window as a modern design object will be the focus of the event: architects, window manufacturers and GKFP will present everything worth knowing on the topics of surface trends, colour variety and surface quality.

The TechnologieForumZukunft sees itself as a platform with a view to the questions and tasks that window manufacturers, the housing industry and building owners face in daily practice. In addition, it is dedicated to trends and design possibilities in order to be able to prepare for the demands and challenges of the future years.

Read the full announcement in bauelemente bau issue 9/2022 (German only).
