REHAU Industries SE & Co. KG

About Rehau*

The REHAU Group combines REHAU Industries with Meraxis, New Ventures, RAUMEDIC and REHAU Automotive as strong companies under one roof. REHAU Industries is an independent company and combines the divisions Building Solutions, Window Solutions, Furniture Solutions and Industrial Solutions. More than 12.000 employees at over 150 locations worldwide work together to continuously improve lives using innovative and sustainable technologies for the construction, window, furniture and industrial sectors: Engineering progress. Enhancing lives.

The REHAU Industries, Division Window Solutions, reinvents windows and doors every day. For a better living. Its unique recycling approach EcoPuls stands for an unrivaled sustainability concept within the industry. As a pioneer and driver of future oriented industry solutions, REHAU Window Solutions is the leading expert for integrated system solutions along the entire value chain: “Windows. Reinvented for modern life.”

Kaleido color surface portfolio

Our diverse Kaleido color surface portfolio offers the possibility of choosing from over 400 design options to create the right color scheme for every window, every building and every customer – from unicolor and metallic shades to a deceptively real wood look and touch. With Kaleido Paint, Kaleido Cover, Kaleido Foil and Kaleido Woodec the REHAU Industries, Division Window Solutions, offers a wide range of different color technologies to its customers.

Video on the topic of window profile surfaces by Rehau on YouTube

--- *The company itself is responsible for the correctness of the contents.

Further information