After the final cancellation of Fensterbau Frontale for this year, the exhibition planners has considered an online concept: #BridgingTheGap. Our RAL Gütegemeinschaft and EPPA will also be represented…
The technical appendix to RAL-GZ 716 is still fresh off the press. The edited paper will be available as a PDF file starting 10 July 2020. It is available in German and English. We would like to say a…
With the current issue of bauelemente bau (6+7/2020), bb readers exclusively receive a printed copy of the brochure "Sustainable construction product – Quality windows made of PVC".
In February 2020, the EU Parliament rejected a draft regulation (REACH) from the Commission to set the limit for lead compounds at 2% for rigid PVC and 1% for soft PVC. This is intended to promote the…
In "Bauen fürs Klima", the magazine in the FamilyHome issue 7-8/2020, the Gütegemeinschaft reports on a double page about "PVC windows as sustainable construction products".
A joint brochure of EPPA, Qualitätsverband (QKE), and Gütegemeinschaft, the brochure is written for window manufacturers and their customers. You can download it for free.
Due to the Corona pandemic we have restructured our work. This also has an impact on this year's general assembly meeting. The office remains operational.
The European Association for PVC Window Profile and related Building Products (EPPA), our Gütegemeinschaft as co-exhibitor and their members cancel their participation in this June's Fensterbau…
The new RAL brochure on public contract awarding describes methods for purchasers to simplify their contract awarding and ensure they are on the safe side when it comes to legal matters by using RAL…
In addition to the new language version of the Technical Guide "Coloured Profiles", the "Welding" Guide is also available in a slightly revised version.
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a naturally occurring white pigment, which is also contained in PVC window profiles, for example, but in solid form. Only the dusty titanium dioxide is threatened with…