New annual report available online

Which projects have EPPA, QKE and our Gütegemeinschaft 2020 advanced, and which have been completed?

The last year was marked by association work in the digital space, meetings at a distance, contact restrictions and home office instead of Hofgarten. Nevertheless, our Gütegemeinschaft Kunststoff-Fensterprofilsysteme was able to advance most of its projects and complete some of them.

We inform you about these projects in the joint annual report of EPPA, the Qualitätsverband Kunststofferzeugnisse and our Gütegemeinschaft. The report is available for download under "Publications".

Cover page of the Annual Report 2020 published by EPPA, QKE and Gütegemeinschaft

Cover page of the Annual Report 2020 published by EPPA, QKE and Gütegemeinschaft